Friday, March 14, 2008

Sharing large Files

There are often occasions when you feel a requirement of having a space somewhere on the internet where you could upload your files which you can t afford to carry with you. Now these files could be anything, it doesn t matter. After surfing through various website on the internet.
I found megafileupload a place where you can upload any number of files for FREE. This is exactly what people on the internet look for, a FREE File Upload site. You can choose to upload any file using the from upload feature which allows a maximum file size of 200 MB at once. You can trigger 2 such simultaneous uploads with the FREE account. Not only that, you can choose to set a little description and password to maintain its security. If you can t remember the upload location link then you can still further choose to send it your email account.
In both FREE and Premium accounts, the user has the liberty to delete their files. For Free account user, if the uploaded file left idle for 60 days without any downloads, it will be deleted. And for premium user the file would stay for 365 days without any download.
If you have a Premium account, you can upload a maximum of 2 GB file size at once with 25 simultaneous uploads going at same pace. With the use of download managers you could resume any broken downloads applicable for premium account user only.
Overall a very good website for those who wants to keep there files centrally accessible from anywhere! Peter is the owner of MegafileUpload You can find more information about Free File Hosting, or upload your Files at

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